
Packing Tips 101

In about 2 weeks I will be traveling on my first ever cruise with friends and family. The cruise lasts 6 days and stops on 6 different Islands I’ve never been to before. This is the first vacation I’ve taken in almost 2 years and the first time I will hit so many new places in such a short time. But I guess that’s the point of a citrus right? Can you tell I’m a cruise newbie?! Any who, as I contain my excitement as the travel date approaches, I have yet to pack a thing, or even think about what I plan on packing. Talking with my BFF this morning, who is also going on the cruise, she started her packing today. Now I’m sure you can tell the difference between out personalities. Also, if you need assistance planning your next vacation, excursions or just want to be strafer when it comes to traveling, check out United Family Organization Travel Company. They are amazing and are worth every penny! 

She’s a planner, always ahead of the game with enough time to spare. Me? I’m more of the “Ok let’s see what this will be like” girl. It balances us well. For me, I would always reconsider what is in the suitcase or think, maybe I want to wear that this week. Either way, for me 3 days before (or even the day before, depending on the trip) is the packing range. Over the years I’ve made some mistakes but also learned some tricks that may help you, if you’re like me! 

  1. Do your research! If this is a new place your traveling to, going during a different time of the year, or going to a themed/well planned out trip, do your research! Always check the weather, always check the adventures, always check the dress code. Ask you’re friends questions about what they have planned. 
  2. Have an Idea of what you want your fly to be! If this is the trip you take body length pics on IG, pick outfits that you feel your absolute best in. I do think they saying you wear what makes you feel good is true. So think early on what your travel fly will be on your tip. It makes the actual packing stage much easier. 
  3. Use packing accessories. I have recently found out about packing cubes, CHANGED MY LIFE! I use those things even when I go home to RI for a short weekend. They are so helpful for any packer. They also help you be more mindful with packing. If you are a throw it in the bag type of packer, these cubes will help you minimize the overflow of outfits you’ll never wear and ave you focused on what is actually necessary to bring. For me, it helped me organize my packing and identify what it is I actually want to bring. Not everything can fit in these cubes girl. 
  4. Don’t forget the daily routine items. For me I would always put aside travel bags of daily fail needs, makeup, hair accessories, etc. But I would always forget one important piece of clothing, panties. Yes I know how could I forget that very important thing. It was never the first thing I thought about. I always out the emphasis on my outfits and shoes. Now I pack the things I forget the most first, and make adjustments based on my outfits if I need to. 🙂 
  5. Make a list. If you are the girl who waits until the mere 36 hours before the trip to pack, making a list of the days, events, and things you plan on doing may help. If you know you have a themed dinner or a day at the beach or need to workout while on your trip, write it down. Now you don’t have to write down your outfit of choice for that day or event, but writing down the event can help with deciding on an outfit at 2am! 

Hope these tips help you on your packing journey to your next travel destination! Fly high girl!

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