
Don’t Get Distracted

Recently I listened to an episode on the Mary and Martha podcast entitled “eyes on the prize”. This podcast spoke to my WHOLE LIFE. This episode was right on time! Let me take a second and thank the Mary and Martha Podcast for bringing the bible to relevant topics in my life and connecting the scripture to my life! 

Distractions are all around, in our jobs, our relationships, our faith. And they are so easy! Distractions are usually things we love, or our guilty pleasures, or come dressed up as a fine package (If you know what I mean). Once these distractions enter our life, it take more power to remove them than it did to receive them! Ain’t that some shit! And sometimes, we don’t even realize they are distractions until we look up and realize we lost track of our purpose and goals. How intentional is that? If you are a person of faith, you know we call that the dam devil, coming up and distracting us! 

What I realized in life, especially with faith, distractions are apart of your journey. To test your strength, to test your faith, to test your willpower to focus on your goals. Some call it the devil, some call it confusion, but essentially they are all distractions. As I concretely focused my attention to get closer to God, distractions became more frequent, and more like the man or a pair of new shoes I wanted or even a racing mind that deprived me of restful sleep, but mostly it was a fine-ass, sweet talking man. I wouldn’t realize it was a distraction until I looked up and saw my goals further away than before, my focus drifting into space and all my attention on my relationship and not my dam self. I would sit on my bed and think, “How the hell did I get here?” That happened in my last relationship, and after it ended, it felt like i was starting all over again. 

On the podcast they mention three points,  but I want to discuss the one that resonated the most with my life at this present moment. (Go and listen to the podcast!) “Don’t get so distracted by your present circumstance that you forget about God’s plan for your life.” Dam, that hit home. Recently I have been feeling discouraged about where I’m at in life. At 5 months away from 30, I’m constantly thinking: I’m not in a relationship that is fruitful, I’m in a job that has had me on the verge of a breakdown, a financial situation that I’m not completely proud of and in a state of “where am I going”. Sometimes I think, the place I thought I’d be right now, is not the place I’m in. Forgetting that God spoke a promise over my life, a purpose over my life. There was no timeline on it, one area I’m working on- we all fall short-but it was spoken and true. Sometimes we allow our current state of employment or relationship status or financial situation or everyone on social media to break our focus and distract us, allow us to sit in sorrow, constant comparison and depression. Yet there is a purpose over our life, and although we may not be there, we WILL be there. Staying focused on your goal, on your purpose or on your dreams will bring you closer to that place. It will bring you closer to your destiny, your happiness, your comfort. 

So, sis stay focused, stay faithful, stay grounded. yet most of all, stay true to you. God has a purpose for you, even if you can’t always see it. But that’s the point of faith right? To believe that God is just and true, and trusting that he will do what he said he will do – even if you can’t see it right away. If God takes away a job opportunity, know he has a bigger plan and a better job. If that relationship didn’t work, know your husband is coming. Knowing and trusting God will provide is the foundation of faith, and prone to distractions. It won’t be easy, and trust me its a process, but it’s worth it! 

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