Hey Sis! On this blog you will experiece the process of Stepping Into She through my eyes. Below is a short explination of the main categories you will see on the blog. I am also sharing some of the ways and tips I’ve learned throughout my journey of Stepping Into She.

All posts under becoming will focus on stepping into your true self! Activating your puporse, passion and potential! Inspired by Michelle Obama’s Book “Becoming” – this category is all about allowing yourself to step into each area of your life bold and fearless! below are 8 tips I’m sharing on Stepping into She Becoming!
- Allow yourself to experience the unknown
- Love who you are in the moment
- Don’t discourage the change and evolution happening in your life
- Allow yourself to excel in the areas that scare you
- release the negative talk and self doubt- make space for possibilities
- You are human – remember that
- It’s not always going to be easy – but it will be worth it
- Step into your fears, dreams, insecurities, purpose and frame to love who you truly are
- Grace for yourself is non-negotiable (BONUS)
Love is hard. To step into love means to take who you are – and who your person may be – in that moment and love them exactly how they are. But on the other side of that can be happiness, adventure, and so many other possibilities. Stepping into love means allowing things to flow – without fear of exptectation. Yet it also means stepping into your needs, wants and the fear that it may not be exactly how you want it. Some tips I’ve learned that I am sharing with you:
- Be open to it – if it feels right
- Be honest with yourself about your needs
- Let go of the past – it brings nothing but baggage to your future
- Learn how to love yourself first to know how you want someone to love you
- Allow Love to flow
- Give yourself space to heal before love
- Don’t be afraid of someone or something new
- Define what you are looking for in love and then don’t settle
Budget & Finance
Stepping into budget & finances is probably the hardest thing to do – if you were never taught how to do it. I was never taught to in’s and out’s of financial freedom, financial security or budgeting. So I learned over time with many ups and downs. This category focuses specifally on freeing yourself of financial burden to allow yourself to experience financial gain and prosperity. Here are some tips below I’ve learned over time:
- Be honest about your debt
- Know your spending habits
- Be clear on where you want to be and what you want to achieve
- Understand gross & net income
- Keep separate accounts to reduce over spending and overdrafts
- Take a course on budgeting and finance
- Create financial goals that are feasible for your life
- Celebrate small wins
MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS SIS! This section is all about stepping into your career whether it be entrepreneurship or traditional career track – you are qualified, you are capable, you are worth it. Sometimes we get stuck on a traditional track or what we feel we are supposed to be doing – all the while ignoring our purpose and passion – ignoring our dreams. What I have realized throughout this journey is that stepping into your career really means stepping into your purpose in life – and sometimes that is scary because it takes us out of our comfort zone and into something we never imagined. Do it anyway.
- Create a list of things you are passionate about
- Create a list of goals
- Step out of your comfort zone
- If you are feeling stuck at your job – highlight what you love/like about what you do – then delve into that area
- Take time to really think through what you want to do
- You are capable and qualified to do anything – stop talking yourself out of your dreams
- Be BOLD – Know your worth and your talents
- Ask for what you deserve
Health & Wellness
In the age of Boss Babes – wellness is important. Particularly with the pandemic health is as important. What this recent pandemic has taught me – more so now than ever- we need to be on top of our health. Health and wellness isn’t just about regular doctor checkups, it also includes exercise, healthy eating, yoga, meditation, emotional and spiritual health as well. So many people have started their health and wellness journey. Stepping into Health & Wellness means stepping into better sleep, more hydration, exercise, mediataion, and more. It means stepping into bettering yourself – looking inward, trying therapy, journaling, reading, and more. Some tips that have helped me are:
- Take time for yourself – AND don’t feel bad about it
- Allow yourself time to be with yourself, enjoy time with yourself
- Explore things you like to do – and try new things
- Find a way to release your thoughts and the things that keep you up at night
- Listen to your body – it will tell you what it needs
- Take vitamins or supplements if you need extra support
- Your home is your sanctuary – make sure it’s peaceful
- Set boundaries and non-negotiable and stick to them – for you!
Everyone has their own journey with faith. For some it starts early on, for others later in life. For those like me it has been full of highs and lows. I grew up in the church but didn’t necessaryily connect on my own until later in life. I struggled with it throughout the course of different life experiences but ultimely created my own relationship with God. Throughout my journey I found some things that helped me and hopefully they will help you too.
- Make space and time for you to connect with your faith
- Make it a priority
- Educate yourself on your faith
- Surrender!
- Know that you won’t be perfect at it
- It’s ok if you dont know everything- there is time to learn
Embracing your true beauty! In today’s society where you are being told how to look and what is considered NOT beautiful, it’s difficult to love the body you’re in.
- Love the skin & body you’re in!
- Natural is beautiful – love your natural hair
- Experiment with your style – and be unapologetic about it
- Take pictures of yourself when you feel least and most sexy and keep them!
- Love on the parts you talk down to
- Understand your skin tones and what it needs most
- Find what makes you feel beautiful – and do more of it
- Take selfies and post them everywhere
- Find a skin reginmine you love (BONUS)
I mean where would we be without our girls?! Girlfriends are literally a life saver. I’ve been appreciating and pouring into my friendships much more these days. Below are some ways I honor my friendships:
- Stay close to those who stay close to you
- A friendship is reciprocal – don’t give what you are not giving
- Step into friendships that support you
- Focus on the friendships you do have not the ones you’re missing
- Make time to connect with friends
- Accept that some friendships are seasonal
- Know that all your friends do not serve you the same- and that’s ok
- Create a safe space to be vulnerable with the right friends