
Wellness in the age of BossBabes

As working women, entrepreneurs, wives, mothers, builders, and all other things women have been conquering, it can be hard to fit in time for health, fitness and wellness. In the days of self-care everyone is saying “make time for you”, “take your vacation time” “say no”, but is it really that easy? Women have been taking in major roles, juggling more and setting higher goals. It’s easy to forget about ourselves when we are taking on life. As important as it is, it may be the last thing on our list.

I know when work is stressful. When you’re juggling multiple jobs or responsibilities, a relationship and figuring out your next move – time for health, wellness and fitness get voted out by sleep or wine (before sleep). So after discussing with is close friends and polling IG here are some tips boss babes have been using to fit fitness into their schedules. 

Calendar it in! Planners guide our daily lives, and with so many apps to schedule meetings, events, and social gatherings. Why not add in a workout? Now there are apps you can use at home to get a quick 30-45 minute workout in. Some apps to use are Nike Training Club, Simple Habit for Meditation, GoogleFit, SWEAT, Workout for Women, and so many more!

Focus on food! Eating better is one of the major ways to improve wellness. Meal prepping is tedious but your body and your bank account will thank you later. Sometimes just packing a lunch or snacks i helpful in getting better with nutrition. It takes 21 days to set a habit! 

Find classes to try weekly. Switch it up a bit. If the gym you go to only offers one type of class you may get board with it and give yourself more of a reason to slack off. Try a spot (check ClassPass for some local spots) that offer more than one option for you to try, switch it up and get moving! For the working moms, if your child attends a YMCA or similar afterschool program, they have classes and a gym right there! If you can fit it in, go for it!

Get a workout buddy! Things that we hate to do are always easier when we have a buddy. Find someone who is willing to workout with you or hold you accountable for sticking to your workout schedule. Even if its a call or a FaceTime to ensure your at the gym, having someone check in on you is extremely helpful. 

Find a personal trainer that can work with your schedule. Sometimes we can’t make every class, but there are some people that will come to you. There are even apps out now that give you personal trainer sessions at home. It may be a little more pricey but if convince is necessary, it may be just for you! 

Set boundaries for yourself. Hold yourself accountable. No TV until you workout. This allows us to feel bad for flaking on our goals. If you give yourself boundaries or accountability on wo

Use the weather. We don’t always need machines to get a workout in. Once it’s in outside (or if your on the West Coast that may be all the time) use the weather to your advantage. Talk a walk, go for a run, find a park to do things 

Fianlly, rest, detox and relax! Sometimes health and wellness really means rest! We can’t meet our goals or be producrtive without the right amount of R&R! Start with making 30minutes in your daily schedule for meditation, closing your eyes or just stretching! You would be surpised how much that can kick-start your wellness!

Here’s to Wellness for Working Women in 2020!

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