
What we learned from the 1st season of Love is Blind?

Ok so now that we have all throughly watched the show Love is Blind on Netflix, we can all discuss our thoughts! I thought it was really good! Now there were a few episodes that I skimmed through, mostly the ones where they were in the Pod.I had so many moments where I thought “oh hell no” or “this is so sweet”.  The reunion had me on the floor with Amber calling Jessica shisty, confused with Carlton and once again crying over Cameron’s love for Lauren. 

The purpose of this show is to prove that love is blind. That basically, love is rooted in compatibility and physical attraction can hinder who you love. Or maybe that’s just me. This experiment showed us what happens when you take the filter off of love (physical or social) and you just see the person for who they really are. Here are some of the things I learned from the show:

Don’t Overthink it. 

What we saw from Barnett, Jessica, Amber and Mark is in many instances there was a lot of second guessing going on. Barnett introduced us to this early when he was in a triangle with Amber, Jessica and LC. He said something to Jessica that he backtracked and indicated it was “meant to be taken that way” but still allowed her to think it was something serious. We saw some of the cast member second guessing their feelings and not being honest about how they felt. Love is simple, relationships come with challenges. Yet love isn’t complicated, we complicate things by overthinking it. Don’t. 

Stick to your Priorities. 

Jessica had issues with Mark before she even met Mark. And when they finally met and she committed (not the vows clearly), she still had those same issues, which caused her to sabotage the relationship that clearly wasn’t as strong as she thought. Her issues with Mark never allowed her to get close to him and honestly she wasted not just her time but Mark’s time! This had nothing to do with physicality, it was all compatibility. She knew that his age and job did not meet her expectations, and that’s ok! Ladies, it ok to say no to a man because he dosen’t meet your expectations on the things that matter to you the most. Don’t waste time, stick to your guns! 

Don’t let fear takeover. 

Lauren and Cameron clearly showed us that love can conquer. As an interracial couple, fear of perception not just internal but external could have cost them a fairytale love story. Lauren talked about her fear of dating outside her race, needing space, and more. Yet she didn’t let fear take over and hinder her stepping into love. If it’s the right relationship, compromise will be easy, and fear will be no more! 

So I am definitely a believer in Love is Blind! More specifically, Cameron and Lauren’s relationship reminded me that when you know, YOU KNOW. Yet this also taught me, if you got that feeling in your gut, go with it. She usually knows whats up!

Looking forward to the next season and who we get to see find Blind Love! 

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